Overflow Taps
Wine Club
4 pickups per year
2-6 bottles per pickup
Hard-to-find wines
Exclusive access to more wine
$1 off wine on Wednesdays
Every quarter, we’ll bring in $100 worth of great tasting wine for you to enjoy at home. Your wine will arrive the quarter after you signup and there will be a scheduled pickup week at each location. An example would be, if you signed up in February, your pickup window would be April. The reason for this is because wine inventory is always changing, so we wait until the last few days of a given quarter to order for our members. However, your $1 off wine Wednesday’s starts immediately.
We’ll be hand-selecting wine styles that can range anywhere from 2-6 bottles. Some quarters we may choose a couple of high-end bottles you can’t find on the shelves. Other times we may choose 6 value wines. It’s all about expanding the palate and having access to great tasting wines!